PayPoint offers a Centralised Terminal Management System (TMS) to manage remote production payment EFTPOS terminals and SSD-ATM’s.

To support, maintain, interact or visit remote terminals can be very expensive, time consuming and labour intensive, requiring fallible human intervention.

To avoid the above, PayPoint make use of a modern Terminal Management System (TMS), to manage the terminal estate remotely from our central system.

PayPoint TMS makes it possible to securely connect to remote production terminals in the field and diagnose information relating to their hardware, software, applications and transaction data. This functionality is invaluable for our Helpdesk and Technical Support functions as it provides unparalleled troubleshooting and support capabilities, should terminal instability arise at a site.

TMS processes data from remote terminals, enabling support engineers to utilise it for preventative maintenance, thus ensuring optimal terminal operational up-time. As we remotely link to terminals and run necessary diagnostics, this quick and cost-efficient remote troubleshooting function makes it possible for engineers to independently service and repair terminal applications and software without despatching field service technicians or recalling devices, thus maximising terminal productivity. TMS allows for secure download and upload of data in the case of software updates or application changes, audit trails and version control.